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Some photos - S. João de Tarouca

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Designing labels for wine bottles

When you organize and tidy up files, sketches and drafts from previous work, you often discover examples of designs that you loved doing but never had time to post here. During 2024, we had the opportunity to design these labels for a fantastic company and people in California - Balverne owned by Bob and Renee Stein.  Notre Vue Estate  It is a natural paradise located in Napa Valley, and can be visited in order to discover the variety of sustainable products like these produced there.

Design of a logo commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Fajões School Group.

  Products produced using the chosen logo Final and definitive version of the logo Design of a commemorative "trophy" Other concepts designed but not chosen I was an Arts teacher at the Fajões School Group in the 2014/2015 academic year. As I have the best memories of this professional experience and also of the people who work there, it was with enthusiasm that I received the request to create a logo commemorating the 50th anniversary of this school institution. Immediately, I produced five different concepts so that we could choose the best branding strategy for this important moment in the history of these schools. Here are some images for future memory of some of the objects produced to mark this day - October 20th, fifty years after the first day of school in Fajões.

AnyWear Packaging Design Studies

  Here are some of the design solutions produced by us for a new AnyWear brand product. The set of graphics that cover a cosmetics product should not respond to a program in a pragmatic and technocratic way. You have to inspire the customer and differentiate the offer that is being proposed to them. In this case we know that the interior has quality, so we wanted to explain this fact through a graphic narrative.

My old Kodak Brownie


Designing Exterior Signage for Panaca Café y Antojos

  This is a design completed in December 2023, having been developed in partnership with the marketing team of the Peruvian company PANACA . An extremely detailed study of the needs imposed by the brand was carried out. Panaca has several stores in the Peruvian capital - Lima, but the images refer to the store located on the corner of Amador Merino Reyna and Avenida Rivera Navarrete - a noble and modernized area of Lima. The brand has been establishing itself as a competitor to the big players, through a careful selection of products made available to customers and a very rational construction of its image.

A Safe Place

  Slottsparken - Malmö  Summer holidays are a time of discovery, a time to discover a pair of blue toilets lost in the landscape. Small and shy, they look up and ask themselves if the world is still a safe place.

Did you know that GTA V turns 10 in 2023?


Carregal, Aveiro - Portugal


House, North Carolina - U.S.A., 2022