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Showing posts from September, 2014

Soligor 19-35mm Test Drive (a Cosina clone)

I bought an used Soligor 19-35 mm for my Canon T2i, is also called Plastic Fantastic by photo geeks and really is fantastic. What a superb optical quality for such a tiny, tiny price. Here they are (full gallery in Flickr).

Sanduicheira Flama / Flama Sandwich Maker

One of this mornings, I was looking at my Flama Sandwich Maker. It seemed so ugly that immediately felt like re thinking this object . Numa destas manhãs, olhava para a minha sanduicheira Flama. Pareceu-me tão feia que senti, imediatamente vontade de a repensar. #flama #sanduicheira #sandwichmaker